TÍTULO. “Animal World”

NIVEL EDUCATIVO: 1º curso de nivel B1.

RECURSOS NECESARIOS. Ordenador, Internet, EDI e Blogger.

CONTIDOS A TRATAR: vocabulario relacionado co mundo animal (endangered species, wildlife, natural habitat, evolution, survival, etc.)

Pídese aos alumnos que visualicen no blog parte dun documental da BBC Wildlife sobre a última tartaruga xigante que sobrevive no parque natural das Illas Galápagos. Ao tempo que ven o vídeo deben encher os ocos coas palabras que faltan. Esta primeira actividade de comprensión oral funciona como introducción ao tema da unidade:

A continuación os alumnos deben consultar e escoller una especie en perigo de extinción do directorio recollido na páxina web: http://worldwildlife.org/species/directory?sort=extinction_status&direction=desc
A segunda actividade consiste en que cada alumno suba ao blog unha imaxe e edite un pequeno texto descriptivo que resuma a información máis relevante atopada na páxina web de referencia sobre a especie escollida.

WARMER. You are going to watch part of a BBC wildlife show about Lonesome George, a giant tortoise. As you watch the video, fill in the gaps with the missing words:

1.       The Galapagos Islands are isolated by hundreds of miles of (1) _____________.
2.       This isolation has led to the evolution of many unique (2) __________.
3.       (3) ________________ people call these islands home.
4.       The people of Galapagos retain a strong (4)______________ (5) ______________.
5.       The vast majority (6) _________ (7) ___________ in the past 20 years.
6.       Here humans and (8) _____________ appear to live happily side by side.
7.       But in reality, this trusting wildlife is (9) ____________ vulnerable.
8.       On the (10) ____________ of town, Lonesome George lives within the boundaries of the National Park.
9.       Fausto Lorena is responsible for Lonesome’s comfort and (11) ____________.
10.  He is the only surviving member of his (12) _________: the only pinter island (13) ____________ in existence.

TASK. Now click here to view an endangered species directory. Choose your favourite animal from the list, click on its common name and read the information. Then write a short description including the most relevant aspects about it and post it in the blog forum: Do not forget to include a suitable photograph to illustrate your text. Here is an example:


The blue whale is the largest animal on the planet, weighing as much as 200 tons. It is also the loudest animal whose low frequency whistle can be heard for hundreds of miles. Whales are at the top of the food chain and have an important role in oceans environment. Blue whales may become extinct due to habitat loss, toxics and ship strikes.


1 comentario:

  1. Hi María!
    What a great blog you have! And thanks for posting this activity. I will definitely use it with my intermediate 1 students. Cheers!
